A little summary of The Pirates! Premiere in Bristol by my friend Jesús Diez-Pérez, for those who couldn't be there:
It was an amazing event. Everyone was dress smart or as a pirate (some as a smart pirate). It was great to great some friends in the queue, all of them looked gorgeus. We had to queue and then leave our phones/cameras at the entrance, so graphic documents are going to be tricky. At the entrance Peter Lord was greeting the visitors and i had a picture with him, actually two. Then, after seeing some suspicious trays with drinks we found out that they were giving wine and beer for free. They said "one per person" so I went once, took my wine, then took my glasses off so that they wouldn't recognise me and got another glass (easy!). Some girls dressed as pirates (very good looking) were giving shots of rum (no need to use tricks here). Ten minutes before the show we went up to the screenings, got our 3D glasses and entered the room. More friends here and there, it was really nice. Then the lights went off and there he was, Peter Lord walking to the mic, dress as the Pirate Captain with Polly the Dodo under his arm. He gave one of his glorious speeches (I realised then I missed them a little). After saying that Spielberg would never give a speech dreesed like that, thanking everyone for the hard work and having some problems with the echo in the mic, he introduced... Hugh Grant! That was great! People say he is a grumpy character but he seemed really funny to me. He said things like at last he could do some action acting, something he was never able to do and wished to be animated for the rest of his movies. Also he made fun of Peter Lord with things like "I don't really like him" or "his nose is too small for his face".
Then the movie started. Glorious, you have to go and see it, you get out with a smile in your face. And in the ends, the credits! with our names on them, a really special moment. After this, some more wine, rum, beers, more friends and off to London to work the next day. A night to be remembered...
Plus some advertising for very rich people:
Plus some advertising for very hungry people: